MAC Productions is a multimedia production service dedicated to producing educational and informative products that convey a positive material message to the viewer. There are many perspectives in the world today. Let us partake in your storyline, told from the user’s perspective, experience, and creative insight. "It's just the way we see it!"
MAC Productions is the creator of ”The Projectus Architekcher Series,” “Gamma Learning”, “Know Your Project”, “Know Your Business”, #bomaqtalk, “The Universal Language of Management Series”, and other educational media outlets promoting experiential client care techniques in podcast, video, and blog style written content geared towards educating existing and potential clients about services, products, and discussing issues relevant to the industries we serve.
"The Projectus Architekcher Series" was launched in 2010 on a digital platform and was dedicated to programming that enhanced the viewer’s knowledge in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math. We are motivated to the advancement of young adults in these fields and contributing to the efforts of our national talent to be internationally competitive in these areas of interest.
The digital content includes but not limited to educational seminars, interactive conversations, project features, interviews, and other methodologies that best convey the latest trends, project constructs, and technology in travel, hospitality, built work, and unique places of destination.
The series aimed to be a new established marker for digital programming in the industry and hoped to increase the number of young adults selecting a
career in the building sciences. As we reboot the series for 2019, the content is found to be still relevant to the audiences we serve.
“Freedom” founded in 2010 renamed to the William Jones Workforce Development Program in 2016 is launched through a series of online instructional videos coupled by Unit tests that challenge training in construction trade skills. The Units consist of Unit 1 Introduction to Project Management Skills, Unit 2 Introduction to Craft Skills, Unit 3 Introduction to Project Skills, & Unit 4 on the Job Training. Students receive a Certificate of Completion at the completion of the session and in some cases continuing education credits. Fee varies.
This style of teaching has been adopted into our platform for “Gamma Learning”, “The Universal Language of Management Series”, and other educational products.
MAC Productions offers a service in creative video production up to five minutes in length. Potential clients can select from content types and video styles. The content types are explainer, company product, demonstrations, "how to" training, company overview, testimonials, and awareness. The video styles are fee-based, dependent upon the length of videos, and the expected challenge of the desired content.
From published books to stage design, we continue to add multimedia products to serve our internal needs and then to pass on the best of them to clients with similar needs.
MAC Productions © 2007 -2022 by Urbanetectonics, LLC. Proudly created with Wix.com